Wednesday, June 23, 2010

(Singing) Happy bday to u...happy bday to u..happy bday to daddy..happy bday to u.. we wish daddy stays healthy as always..n wish your analysis in stock is getting perfect and more perfect...and all the stock u've invest is making profit.....hahahah..last but not least ...we thank you for being such a greaattt daddy for us..we love youuu very much,daddy...big hug n kisses...muaahhh..muaacccchhh.....(sorry ya kalo mummy lagi ngehack blog daddy..hehe,ini surprise buat daddy,disaat daddy lagi nonton bola di ruang tamu,daddy ngga tau kalo mummy langsung masuk ke blog dia nulis ucapan ini..heheh..peace :) ) xoxo : mummy, wilson and kenny